Congratulations on your incredible achievement! Your hard work and dedication truly paid off. You are an inspiration to all of us.”
We are so impressed by your talent during the competition. Your performance was truly outstanding. Keep shining!”
Winning this competition is a testament to your exceptional talent and determination.
AwakeneR is proud to announce the “National Competition-2025” in 10 Categories for teens/ youth aged 08–20
Unleash your creativity and compete for exciting prizes!
AwakeneR, a teens & youth-focused platform established in 2012, empowers young people to express their views and contribute innovative ideas for national progress in areas like education, technology, environment, and social issues. We believe in nurturing teens/young talent and building their confidence to represent Pakistan on the global stage.
Our informative magazine, written entirely by teens and youth, aims to bridge the gap between entertainment and education. We strive to develop future generations of responsible journalists and writers.